Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Start of hols!

So here is this... a bigger thumbnail, as requested by some of you guys:

LMAO guess i'll do badly for this project. The teachers pointed out a few stuff that could'ave been improved on. And I cannot agree more. For example, i wasn't supposed to draw humans and i KNEW THAT. But i forgot about it halfway into my painting so there goes. I only remembered after the printing and the mounting.

... there goes my marks.

On a brighter note, it's got me even more motivated to improve, in concept and fundamentals.
There'll be more to come. It's the hols now. I'm starting some new stuff. I wouldn't call it a project because it isn't something serious.
SO watch this space.....

AND finally, i'm done with commissions... and that includes dealing them. SO i'm closed for a while until i need money. Thank you for filling my wallet. 'preciate it. Realllly.

Hope you like my stuff