Right: =2tone=

Okay time for the tag thing.
1. Post these rules in your journal so others know how it works.
2. Post 8 random facts about yourself in your blog.
3. At the end of your post, tag 8 more people to learn some random things about.
4. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
Tagged by Gary, Jo, Jason and Steph... T_T
1. I let my dogs seal the envelopes and lick the stamps sometimes when i'm mailing stuff.
2. I have a stalker and i have no idea who he is. He follows me around my estate.
3. I just learnt that people who often suffer heartbreaks are more likely to get heart attacks. i think.
4. I'm multi tasking now. Blogging, on the phone, msn-ing, replying mails and notes, watching tv, thinking of 4 more other random facts. All this while carrying my dog.
5. I like to read. I've already read 24 Literature books this year(so far). About 45o pages in average per book. But they're not like Macbeth and such.
6. I like people who live for the moment, know how to chill and never ever seem to feel sad or angry. People who know how to live and laugh. Crazy people ^^
7. I'd go back to Philippines anytime even if it means taking a million more jabs for hepatitis A or B or C or whatever typhoid fever jab.
8. Finally. I started blogging at 11.15pm and it's 12.46 now.
I tag whoever likes getting tagged for whatever reason.
Hey one more thing, Mobo plushie in the making!