Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The boy is golden

Quick 10mins work.
Was checking out some reference stuff of mountains before starting on a commish work.
The above isn't the work at all.
The above is just for fun and purely personal.
There aren't mountains in SG so it was a weird offer I took up.
I saw one of Pallala's take on a mountainview and the style was stunning.
Soo, thought I tried it myself just for fun.
I didn't use a reference for this, just based it on memory of mountains that I've seen.
Added the whites in PS.

I haven't had time to do alot of things. because I've been busy...
... doing alot of other things.
For those who know what's up, then good for you.
Well done and keep stalking.
I'm just kidding. Please don't.

My days have been fun.
And very very tight.
In a good way ^^