Bringing together all street artists from around the globe to show diversity, artistic vision, and coming together to form the worlds largest themed sticker combo to Chicago.
To keep the theme of the combo, all participants are to send in their best work ( whether it be painted, printed, drawn, or stenciled) on a USPS postal label.
If you don't have USPS stickers, order them from USPS.com (US residents only) or visit your United States post office and snag a few.
If however you STILL can't get them, then design your sticker on a 4x5 inch sticker and saro, the dude who organised this project will stick it on a postal for you.
In addition to the world record combo, there will be photo documentation of the preperation, process, and final outcome of the project. These photos will include closeups of several artists' stickers, printed in lage format and might eventually make it to a local Chicago gallery and possibly in a bound book. If all goes as planned, it would be a fusion of street art and photography for the world to see.
So if you would like to be a part of this high caliber project, FLICKR MAIL SARO for the address to get your sticker sent to by clicking HERE or send ME, 7-ad, an email.
For any other further information, you can also flickrmail Mirian Vz.