This image above here is slightly different from the final one we did. I didn't post the original anywhere else so that he can post it instead if he wants to. I'll just show a link if ever he puts it up somewhere.
The difference would be the Mobos at the background. They've got a higher opacity as compared to this. Also the figure at the front is lighter in the final piece.
Lastly, apart from smaller details, in the final, there's the small description of the Mobo Movement which he added in. So kind hahahhaa :)
In the image above, HCF worked on the foreground (the figure) while I did the background.
In the final he helped out on the background.
I had losta fun working on this simple and fairly quick collab. It was definitely exciting because I had 4 collabs going on at that time. Working under pressure was cool. Now I've got 5 collabs left. 2 fellas hit me up last night and last friday(i think). Ah whatever do the math.
I'll post them up when I feel like it.
Another thing. I AM SORRRRY for the mailing delay. I've got stuff happening around me. I'll be mailing them stickers on MONDAY MORNING. If not, Wednesday. Promise.
When people say I'm inspirational and influential, I fall to the ground. I don't take praises very well and there's no expressing how much words like that actually mean to me.
Especially when they come from people I don't know who visit my blog and send me lovely mails just telling me what my works mean to them and how they've started picking up what I do. Especially stickers and such. To pick it up from somewhere is a different story. To pick it up from me, that's just wow. Same goes for selling customs online.
Everything I do now was inspired by someone. And for people who've been inspired by me, it's reallly crazy and I know what it feels like since I've got some mad artists crushes myself.
Even though I've only had such motivational mails about 6 times or so(yes I count) in my 10 months of keeping this blog, I'm still grateful for the fact that what I do inspires others to do the same.
I know I sound like i just got an emmy award, which is not the case. I just thought i'd say this because stuff like this really make my day. I received one more mail today and... really, i can't take such love anymore
So here's a shout out to anyone in the world who supports what I do, enjoys my art, sends me mails that keep me going, or who just visits my blog for the sake of it;