So I've finally found some free time to blog. I've been doing collabs after collabs. Some of them from the holidays until now. I've got 4 more left. Sorry if I seem to take my time throwing the pieces back to you guys, it's just that i'm reallly busy now that school has officially started, tutorials and lectures altogether.
So here's some good news for you.

Printed on Sundayy. Try to get yours early because I don't knnow when's the next time I can print them again. Email me your house address for a trade and I'll reply as soon as I can. You might want to read here if you're not sure of the trading process.
Okay here's a load of eye candy, stickers I received this morning and just tonight:

They're everywhere. Trust me.
Check here if you don't believe me. Lmao.
Plus the note I got that came in the pack, IS VERY UBER CUTE.

A theme of 'creatures in her head'.
If these are really creatures in her head, then WOW. hahaha :D

Been waiting really eagerly for them because his works are just AMAZING!

My 6 years in track and field of course I can still remember the phrase. wowowow.

Another pack. By epikgraphics.
Sorry I just had to blur the naked ladies.
This blog is safe for children, no worries.
I would'nt have blurred it though if blogger had the "grey box censorship mature content thing" that dA USED to have. sad.

This one I got tonight as well sent together with 14bolt's pack.
Stickers by countless other artists and sticker traders, some of em, sadly, I cannot remember.
Sorrry but thank youu for them. They're beautiful. really :)
My mom just P.L.U.S.H.E.D another Mobo for me. Will upload a picture when i feel like it.
Also, remember to get your stickers FAST. LATEST requests by mid Nov.
Of course you can still get yours next time but I'm not sure when that will be. When I run out of stickers I'll still save your address so I can send them in the next time I print them again.
So you don't have to worry like that :)
AND another thing, send in your stickers so I can get them to Japan by END OCTOBER. I've got about 20 packs so far. Send them in this week please so that they can be mailed to me on time. Need time to get them ready into combos.
Lastly, I'm still kinda stoked that I'm receiving many emails even after I did the Sticker FAQ.
I had 99 emails after just 3 days of not checking.(I even did a printscreen XD)
Okay so some of them were house addresses which is perfectly fine and goood.
But the rest....... T_T
Are you all mad or..?
Ah well, I love you crazy people. wahahahhahahhahaaaa
Just check the section of More about ME! in future. Thank youuu yeah :D
'happy guys.