Muelle Barón CHILE!
perfecto enemigo, T H E E , coo*, cius, skil, 7-ad, a.k.a cristhoper
Thanks coo* for the ups :)

I posted this combo before but the image wasn't too good the other time and it wasn't a detailed shot so here's a fairly good closeup.
spia - p.e - guachalo - delme - cius - 7 ad - tigapics
Cheers to spia once again for the flickk :)

I like this.
Anyway, here's something that happened today.
I was on my way to church in a huge hurry carrying my file and stuff when someone came up to me and actually asked me who i was. I thought he was trying to be funny so i carried on walking until he called my name. So i turned and asked if i knew him. And he said he recognised my sticker on my file because he frequents my blog.
I think when I heard that I honestly felt like fainting. Of course I tried acting like it's all cool but obviously it didn't work because i get all flushed up just reading compliments in emails. So having to experience someone showing their interest in my works right there and then is just... mmm.
So to Jeremy, nice meeting you and thanks for the kind words. It made my dayy :)
AND, as usual, another apology. I didn't get a chance to mail any stickers out on friday. But at least I don't really have to feel bad since I didn't promise for it to be out on friday. I'll be mailing them out on monday so please be patient and wait for my packk.
Also HUGE thanks to defue from Germany who made a really short video featuring my sticker inside. It's a weird video that doesn't exactly have a meaning or message but it was sweeet of him to do it anyway.
Click here to watch the video.
To give up I'd be a fool.
Anyway, here's something that happened today.
I was on my way to church in a huge hurry carrying my file and stuff when someone came up to me and actually asked me who i was. I thought he was trying to be funny so i carried on walking until he called my name. So i turned and asked if i knew him. And he said he recognised my sticker on my file because he frequents my blog.
I think when I heard that I honestly felt like fainting. Of course I tried acting like it's all cool but obviously it didn't work because i get all flushed up just reading compliments in emails. So having to experience someone showing their interest in my works right there and then is just... mmm.
So to Jeremy, nice meeting you and thanks for the kind words. It made my dayy :)
AND, as usual, another apology. I didn't get a chance to mail any stickers out on friday. But at least I don't really have to feel bad since I didn't promise for it to be out on friday. I'll be mailing them out on monday so please be patient and wait for my packk.
Also HUGE thanks to defue from Germany who made a really short video featuring my sticker inside. It's a weird video that doesn't exactly have a meaning or message but it was sweeet of him to do it anyway.
Click here to watch the video.
To give up I'd be a fool.